Martí Franch BATLLORI
Martí Franch Batllori has taken and now gives classes for Superior Graduate of Landscape Gardening and for the Landscape Architecture Masters in the Superior School of Architecture in Barcelona (ETSAB) and the teaching of Landscape Supervision and Management at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).
‘Estudi EMF’ was established in 1999 after a period of formation and professional training in Barcelona, Amsterdam, London and Berlin, in which the opportunity was taken to compare different approaches to landscaping, the culture of public spaces and the organization of cities and territories.
Working on projects of various scales and themes: public spaces within the city: parks, promenades, squares, spaces surrounding public and communal buildings, houses and gardens. In projects for preparing natural spaces for public use: projects of leisure areas, the Study of Integration and Impact on the Landscape (EIIL), vantage points or view points, a manual of urban furniture and signs and the Plans of areas of Public use. On the large scale EMF work with the infrastructures concerning the landscape, in the syntheses of visions for the structure of public areas in the city, in the study and creation of leisure zones and the writing of urbanistic projects.
Among the projects undertaken by EMF some of the outstanding projects are the organisation of the banks of River Têt in Perpignan; the environmental restoration project of Club Med at Cap de Creus and the Program of the organisation of the Punta de Cap de Creus, the Public Gardens of Can Framis in district 22 @ of Barcelona, the cemetery of Laroque des Alberes, the Leisure Area of Coll de Can Massana in PN of Montserrat, the Nautical Pole at Canet de Rosselló, preliminary sketches of the organisation of the landscape of l’Espai Fluvial of Llobregat in Molins de Rei, Sant Vicenç dels Horts, the Papiol and Sant Feliu de Llobregat, the water purification plant at Perpngna.
In LAUD 2015, Martí Franch will present Cap De Creus, Girona RESTORATION OF THE TUDELA-CULIP SITE (CLUB MED), CAP DE CREUS NATURAL PARK. RESTORATION – Winner of the Rosa Barba European Landscape Prize of the 7 European Biennial of Landscape Architecture.
This is possibly the biggest restoration project in the whole of the Mediterranean basin. It includes the selective deconstruction of 450 buildings and the paradigmatic management of 42.000m3 of residue, recycling virtually 100% of the material; two, the elimination of all invasive exotic species over 90 hectares, especially the ice plant (Carpobrotus edulis); three, the restoration of the orography and drainage to re-establish the natural erosion and sediment transport dynamics; four, the implementation of a public use project which exudes the values of the area by ordering and grading the itinerary and proposing a network of rock and animal identifiers.