Arch. Dorota RUDAWA
Dorota Rudawa has over nineteen years of professional practice as a landscape architect owning and leading RS Architektura Krajobrazu – landscape architecture design practice based in Warsaw involved in a number of projects in Poland and abroad. She earned her Masters of Landscape Architecture at Warsaw Agricultural University and post-graduate Diploma in Urban Studies at Warsaw Technical University. She also studied at the University of Cheltenham (UK) and at Wageningen University (The Netherlands).
Ministry of Construction Award for “Completed Project Of Agora Headquarter In Warsaw” – 2003
I Prize In Urban Planning Competition For National Stadium In Warsaw Surroundings – 2008
International Green Roof Association Award – 2008
1 st Prize, Vistula Boulevards competition
1 st. Prize, National Sport Centre
2 nd Prize, Grzybowski Square, Warsaw
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